Thursday, May 16, 2024

How To Be A Positive Leader (Jane E Dutton Gretchen M Spreitzer)


There are actually many many authors of this book:

Oana Branzei
Kim Cameron
Jane E Dutton
Karen Golden-Biddle
Adam M Grant
Erika Hayes James
Shirli Kopelman
Ramaswami Mahalingam
David M Mayer
Christine Porath
Robert E Quinn
Gretchen Preitzer
Laura Morgan Roberts
Scott Soneshein
Anjan V Thakor
Lynn Perry Wooten
Amy Wrzesniewski

They authors are  all PhDs and leaders in business and leadership research.  The forward is by Shawn Anchor, who is well known for writing The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness

They're all really great and wise people!! I can see that this could be a group book study to do over a year and work on implementing many of their suggestions. I can see how the organization I work for has many of these things in place. There are things I could do though to make my work life better. I decided first to focus on high quality connections. I'm tracking my efforts each day in May.

Table of Contents:

1. Foster Positive Relationships

    1. Build High-Quality Connections
    2. Outsource Inspiration
    3. Negotiate Mindfully

II. Unlock Resources From Within
    4. Enable Thriving at Work
    5. Cultivate Positive Identifies
    6. Engage in Job Crafting

III. Tap Into The Good

    7. Activate Virtuousness
    8. Lead an Ethical Organization
    9. Imbue the Organization with a Higher Purpose

IV. Create Resourceful Change

    10. Cultivate Hope: Found, Not Lost
    11. Create Micro-moves for Organizational Changes
    12. Treat Employees as Resources, Not Resisters
    13. Create Opportunity From Crisis

Goodreads says:

Positive leaders are able to dramatically expand their people’s—and their own—capacity for excellence. And they accomplish this without enormous expenditures or huge heroic gestures. Here leading scholars—including Adam Grant, author of the bestselling Give and Take ; positive organizational scholarship movement cofounders Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn; and thirteen more—describe how this is being done at companies such as Wells Fargo, Ford, Kelly Services, Burt’s Bees, Connecticut’s Griffin Hospital, the Michigan-based Zingerman’s Community of Businesses, and many others. They show that, like the butterfly in Brazil whose flapping wings create a typhoon in Texas, you can create profound positive change in your organization through simple actions and attitude shifts.

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