Friday, November 13, 2020

Trevor and Me (Yuno)


I received this book from the author. She found me on Goodreads and asked if I'd review her book. It was flattering to have had her seek me out. I promised I'd write a review, so here goes!

The story is about a young girl who becomes friends with an old man. He soon dies and she is sad. However, ping! A coffee bean hits her. It's a sign. She sees other signs that remind her of her friendship with Trevor and she is comforted.

I felt like there were a bunch of important facts missing. How did this young girl become friends with Trevor? Call me a pessimist, but I questioned his intentions.  "When I'm with Trevor, I have so much fun!" Really? 

There are other books on death that children might relate to a little better. Look up the tag death on my blog and you will find a few for adults and children.  I hope writing the book gave the author some comfort over losing her friend though.

Goodreads says:

Trevor and Me defies the boundaries of age, gender and race. It is a heartwarming story about reincarnation based on the real-life friendship between an elderly Caucasian man and a young Asian girl. As Trevor's health starts to decline and he prepares to die, he promises to always be with the girl even after he's gone. Trevor dies and the girl is filled with grief until one day she begins to receive signs to let her know Trevor is and always will be with her.

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