Monday, January 27, 2025

Hank Goes Honk (Maddie Powell-Tuck)


We had a lesson today on taking risks and being okay with making mistakes. Our YDC taught the lesson and at the end of the lesson she has brought in two (boiled) eggs...although she didn't tell them they were boiled. She called out a name and tossed it to some kids. The first two caught them (and let out a BIG sigh of relief because they didn't know they were boiled). The last one dropped the egg and was embarrassed and we talked about how it was okay. It was a boiled egg and no harm done. Her relief was huge. We then talked about the things she could say to herself when she makes mistakes. It all seemed very real after feeling a little embarrassed and worried about the interaction.

Goodreads says:

This humorous picture book for children ages 3-7 explores the themes of friendship and being considerate of others.Hank is a very loud, very rude goose, and his friends don't like it one bit. Will he ever find a way to be more considerate of others?Start of a character launch, pub seasons on BR and HC!Hank is one rude goose. He doesn't see anything wrong with interrupting others when they're speaking. He helps himself to the cherries on the top of other people's cupcakes. He makes loud noises in the library and movie theater...and he's upsetting everyone!But being rude, loud, and obnoxious can't always be fun--in fact, it can be downright lonely. Will Hank find a way to be more considerate of his friends? This humorous story presents the themes of friendship, recognizing others' feelings, and being considerate of those around us. Start of a character launch, pub seasons on BR and HC!

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