Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Starkeeper (Faith Pray)


Great image of how love grows as you give it away.

First Nations often tell about how life is a circle. If you do kind things, they go around the circle and come back to you. The opposite is also true. They say that if it does not come back to you, it always comes back to your family.

Goodreads says:

A fallen star and one child's kindness lead to a chain of good works that change her town from a dreary, dark place to one of dazzling brightness.

When a girl finds a fallen star, she decides to keep it hidden. But this star encourages kindness and needs to shine, so it comes out from the shadows. At first the glow from the star starts to fade, and the girl worries--maybe she's not a very good starkeeper. Then a chance gesture of kindness seems to brighten the star, and soon this kindness leads to a chain of good works that light up the once-dreary town.

The art of the book follows the star's journey and lights up more and more with each act of kindness.

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