Saturday, November 15, 2014

Loot (Jude Watson)

This book was recommended to me by one of my former students - a number of times! He stopped me in the hall one day and said he had a great book for book club. Then a couple days later he asked if I had read it. Then again in a couple days. And again. Finally I figured I better get the book!

The story is about a boy who is raised by his dad who lives life as a criminal. He is killed and in his dying words he leaves advice to follow. The rest of the book is a series of twists and turns as a gang of would-be kid criminals go about securing a fortune. Cliff hangers run amok. They are everywhere! 

I can see why kids would love this book. What kid doesn't love kid heroes who get through any tight situations. I found it a little far fetched and figured it could have been told in half the number of pages.....but I do have to give the author credit. It is a fun read!

Definitely best for middle elementary or middle school. A little too complicated for my grade three students, I think.

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