Monday, March 4, 2013

What I'm Reading

It's report card season so, sadly, I'm not doing as much reading these days. And just to make it more painful, people are really in the mode of giving me books to read. These are the ones I received last week, along with a, "You've got to read this!"

I've got to get these report cards finished - and then I'm going to sit and read and read and read just to recuperate!
I am fitting a bit of reading in though. Our Grade 3 book club is reading Silverwing. I broke one of my rules and recommended the book without reading it first. It seemed pretty safe though - and as I have started into it, I'm hooked. Great book!

In class we are reading George's Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl. My class is crazy about Roald Dahl!

My adult book club is reading The Book of Negroes. I really need to get started on it if I'm going to finish it in March. It's a big one! I bought my copy from the shelf at the library for $1. It got rained on and is rather weathered. I love it even more because of that! I keep carrying it around but haven't started into it yet. This week I will!

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