Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Frindle (Andrew Clements)

I first loved this book because it is illustrated by Brian Selznick, the author and illustrator of The Invention of Hugo Cabret. There are many other things to love about the book though.

The story is about a boy who tends towards trouble. He decides to get under his new English teacher's skin by inventing a new word for 'pen'. He calls it a 'frindle'. Mrs. Granger, his English teacher, will have none of this nonsense going on in her school, and she does all she can to stop it. However, you can't come to a gun fight with a sword and expect to make a big difference. The power of the new word continues on, despite her attempts to stop it. It becomes big, really big!

We had lots of laughs with this book. I read it aloud to my class. We even starting using the word in our class!

Apparently, this happened in real life! The book says that the word 'quiz' was made up by someone on a whim. I googled it, and found the same info. It must be true then, right?! Well, then again, I did another google search and found this. Too bad. The tale fits well with the story.

This one is definitely worth reading. Enjoy!

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