Friday, January 29, 2016

Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War (Michel Chikwanine, Jessica Dee Humphreys, Claudia Davila)

This is like a children's version of A Long Way Gone.  It would be a good way to introduce children to this topic - if you felt like it was a good idea to introduce children to this topic. Maybe children would see something on the news and ask questions? Not sure I would ever bring this book to a child unless they already knew something about the topic.

I have friends who are currently missionaries in the country Michel is from: DRC. It is still a difficult country to live in. I was surprised at the beginning of this book when he talked about how beautiful this country was. It seems like a poor and sad country full of controversy.

It is a difficult story and a harsh reality. It is told in an appropriate way for children.

Goodreads summary:

Michel is like many other five-year-olds: he has a loving family and spends his days going to school and playing soccer. But in 1993, the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Michel and his family live, is a country in tumult. One afternoon Michel and his friends are kidnapped by rebel militants and forced to become child soldiers.

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