Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Unspeakable (Carole Boston Weatherford)


Wow. Stories like these make me feel so sad for history. It is written well for children. It shares the horrors without showing too much of the horror (how is that possible). I'm not sure I can share it with my class though. It is such a difficult topic. I read this while in the waiting room of my mammogram appointment. I had to hold back tears and I missed them calling my name. It's one of those stories that makes me want to say to everyone, "Did you realize...."

Goodreads says:

A must-have--Booklist (starred review)

Celebrated author Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrator Floyd Cooper provide a powerful look at the Tulsa Race Massacre, one of the worst incidents of racial violence in our nation's history. The book traces the history of African Americans in Tulsa's Greenwood district and chronicles the devastation that occurred in 1921 when a white mob attacked the Black community.

News of what happened was largely suppressed, and no official investigation occurred for seventy-five years. This picture book sensitively introduces young readers to this tragedy and concludes with a call for a better future.

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